Here's why I relay.
I relay because my grandpa died from lung cancer when I was in the 2nd grade. Our family went back to Taiwan because grandpa was on his death bed from putting holes in his lungs from smoking. As he lay there unresponsive, my dad and nurses would try to get him to open his eyes or speak back. Nothing. Finally, my dad brings me next to his bed and says in Chinese, "Grandpa, your precious grand daughter is here to see you." Slowly, my grandpa opens his eyes and turns his head towards me, showing that he loves me. A few days after, he passed away. I relay because I want other grandchildren to be able to see their grandparents longer than I did.
Please, help me reach my goal of fundraising $150 for this year's Relay for Life. Donate here
As an incentive, if I reach $150, I will do something I've never done before: ask a guy out on a date. The highest donor can choose who I ask and how I ask. Don't worry, after he says yes/no, I will explain that it is for Relay for Life, then go on the date :) As of now, I am halfway there!
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