As the year is coming to an end, I'd like to share with you a few highlights from this past semester (in no particular order).
IM Frisbee Championship
Seriously, I thought I would never see the day where ACF would be IM Fribsee champs. Nor did I ever expect to be on the winning team. I can graduate happy :)
Photo credit: Jerelaiah
See last post for description. I enjoyed the creativity of the game and feeling connected to my teammates, especially since we're actually connected (holding hands). In addition, successfully passing and blocking the ball with a bajillion people in the way was quite satisfying.
March of the Penguins
Every winter Sunday at 2pm, if the temperature is below 50 degrees, the St. Louis Zoo will let a few penguins march around a segment of the zoo. Here, they can walk up to humans and enjoy being outdoors. They waddle up and flap their wings in excitement, much like little toddlers. Let me tell you, the cuteness level was off the charts! This made me fall even more in love with St. Louis Zoo.
Photo credit: Jerelaiah
CSA/TSO Formal (aka Yule Ball)
This marvelous formal was actually my first formal in college (excluding the DSP one last year). Formal was held at Maggianos, one of my favorite restaurants.
Unlimited quality Italian food = win.
Spending it with good friends = double win.
Dance Marathon
Whoever came up with the concept of a dancing marathon for charity is brilliant. Last year was the first year we had an ACF team. This year, we tried to go all out by changing outfits for the theme hours (e.g. Seven Dwarfs for Disney hour). Our team had one of the top ten most spirited teams of the night! :)
Photo Credit: Lils. My RA staff :)
Wal-Mart Game
See last post. It's a really fun game to play when you're bored at 3am with nothing to do. What I liked about it was the challenge of 1) being creative enough to think of items that are hard to identify where they came from and 2) being knowledgeable enough about random products and the layout of Walmart to be able to put things back.
Where do you think this should go?
Girl Getaway
We played this Duck game where the person in the middle is blindfolded and has to place a pillow in someone's lap. The person being sat on must quack and the blindfolded person must guess the identity of the "duck." You get three guesses before you have to move on to another person and start all over again. One of my friends moved on three times, and then accidentally went back to the original duck, failed, and went to the second original duck, failed, and almost the third. OH man, so great.
Apple Picking at Ekerts Farm
I'm in the largest DSP family in our chapter's history. We have biweekly events to bond and hang out. However, this apple picking trip was my favorite family event because of the intimacy of the small group of four of us and the beautiful fall air.
WU Slam
This just reminded me of how talented people are at WashU. There was one slam poet in particular who performed an amazing piece on the Arabic language. "Do you control fear or do you let fear control you?" EPIC. Words are beautiful... I wish I were as witty as the slam poets.